Dr. Bond’s academy

Your Destination for Clinical Solutions

Key topics, proven strategies and simplified solutions.

Get on-demand access to a growing collection of mini courses and exclusive content, including audio, product write-ups and supportive documents.

New topics added monthly that will assist you in obtaining more gratified patients, increased referrals, and practice growth.

Premenstrual Syndrome: Managing Hormonal Imbalance
One time

Join Dr. Bond as he explores transformative approaches to managing premenstrual syndrome (PMS), employing life-changing solutions and strategies. Gain insights into the etiology and proven remedies for PMS, while also learning from his expertise on fostering lasting patient relationships and driving referrals.

✓ On-demand viewing
✓ Video and supportive PDFs
✓ Topic review and proven strategies and protocols

Next topic coming soon…

Leaky Gut - Inflammatory Bowel

Dr. Bond will provide you with effective strategies to help those with inflammatory bowel issues and leaky gut syndrome.

Perimenopause/Menopause: Navigating the Transition
One time

When you understand the ovarian changes that occur and role of the adrenal glands in Perimenopause and Menopause, the strategy and protocol make complete sense based on the physiology. Dr. Bond gives you the necessary insights to add life to the years of those who are now enduring each day vs. enjoying each day.

✓ On-demand viewing
✓ Video and supportive PDFs
✓ Topic review and proven strategies and protocols
One time

Candidiasis is an issue that can result in numerous health concerns. Candidiasis can lead to inflammatory bowel issues, leaky gut, liver stress, food allergies, brain fog, joint and muscle aches, and fatigue. Taking on candidiasis demands a comprehensive approach. Dr. Bond will equip you with the resources necessary to assist individuals grappling with this health concern. As Dr. Bond often said to his patients, “transforming your gut is a major step to a thriving more radiant you."

✓ On-demand viewing
✓ Video and supportive PDFs
✓ Topic review and proven strategies and protocols


Dr. Bruce Bond